Trust. Transparency. GLYNN COUNTY, GA


Glynn County embarked on a three-year strategic plan in 2017. SpeakUp Glynn will periodically report on the County’s progress toward achieving that plan.

Glynn County is also in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan. A draft of this plan is under review by the two “steering committees” created to provide input to the process. This draft document will be available for community comment at a public hearing scheduled for June 21. SpeakUp Glynn will alert you via email and Facebook when this document is ready for your review, in the hope that everyone will read the document and provide feedback to the County.

One of the key sections of the Comprehensive Plan is a list of “actions” that the County is committing to implement. Once this Plan is final, the SpeakUp Glynn website will begin to provide progress reports on these action steps.